Infiltrate and Extract
In-Game Screenshots

Indie Developer, Programmer, Level Designer

Developed over the span of 6 months.


Infiltrate & Extract is my first indie game, where the player, a skilled spy, must infiltrate a high-security museum to extract a valuable relic while avoiding detection by guards, spotlights, and lasers. The player must use all the tools at their disposal to disable surveillance equipment and take down guards, all while remaining undetected.Please enjoy the following screenshots of Infiltrate & Extract. All of them were captured in-game.
(Some screenshots show early development)

exhibit 1: the player hiding in the shadow cast by some containers.

exhibit 2: the player is spotted by a security guard.

exhibit 3: the vault.

exhibit 4: preview of display room.

exhibit 4: can you spot the player? they can't.

exhibit 5: the stairwell level provides an interesting challenge for players who can't remain calm under pressure.

exhibit 6: the player silently taking down a security guard.

exhibit 7: laser grid protecting placeholder relic.

exhibit 8: "i wonder what this fuesbox does..."